Emu Oil: Precious Oil for Skin Care & Hair!
Emu oil skin care continues to be an increasingly effective treatment for many skin problems related to dry skin, acne, psoriasis, scars, eczema and dermatitis. As it relates to skin care products, it’s no longer surprising to see science backing up an age old medical tradition. Recently, medical science has focused on alternative medicines and has found out that most of them actually are beneficial!
Since ancient times, oils have been used not only to cook meals but also to soothe pain, moisturize skin and relieve rashes. Scientists and researchers have found many different types of oils that are good for the body. One kind of oil gaining popularity right now is Emu Oil.
Emu Oil has been used by the Australian aborigines for more than 1000 years for treating skin problems like cuts and wounds and for muscle and joint pains. It is also a common treatment for a variety of rashes as well as treating symptoms of psoriasis, dermatitis and the causes of eczema. It's anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties are excellent and well suited for relieving itching, scaling, and inflammation.
Recent studies by Sydney’s North Shore Hospital have shown that Emu Oil has fast acting pain relief capabilities because it lacks certain fatty acids (phospholipids) making it penetrate the skin more easily.
A chemical known as linolenic acid is also present in the oil and it has been proven that it temporarily relieves the pain and discomfort of muscles and joints.
Other benefits of using Emu Oil:
For Your Face:
- Wrinkles, fine lines—used regularly, it will help in visibly reducing wrinkles and fine lines in the face and neck. Apply in small amounts twice a day for best results.
- Acne—Emu Oil can help speed up the healing process of acne attacks with less instances of scarring.
For Your Hair:
- Dandruff—instead of using hair gel, why not try using Emu Oil?. Mixed with other aromatic oils, it can help in the treatment of dandruff and will also moisturize your hair making it stronger and healthy looking.
- Dry Hair—Emu oil gives you that healthy natural shine in your dry, limp hair. It also prevents split ends.
For Your Body:
- Bruises, allergies, insect bites—very effective in the relief of itchiness caused by any of the mentioned irritants. It can be also taken internally for added benefits.
- Scars, stretch marks—used twice a day, it can visibly reduce scars and stretch marks. It can even prevent the formation of keloids!
- Varicose veins—used directly on the areas affected, it can reduce the pain and swelling caused by varicose veins.
Sunburn—with its deep penetrating action, it aids in protecting you from sunburn and could even give you that natural tan look.
Skin Diseases - Research and clinical studies have shown Emu Oil to be very effective at treating, reducing and even eliminating symptoms of eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis. It has been used widely as a treatment for eczema, a psoriasis treatment cream, and for reducing scaling, sores, and inflammation of dermatitis.
Aside from being a very effective therapeutic medication for arthritis, rheumatism and muscle pains, Emu Oil skin care have been discovered and continue to be discovered. Scientists and researchers are constantly trying out and studying the effects of Emu oil mixed with essential oils and substances.
Eucalyptus oils, Tea Tree oils, and fragrance essences have been tried and found to be just as effective in the treatment and relief of the symptoms mentioned above.
Emu oil will continue to astound scientists, researchers, and consumers with it’s medicinal qualities. After all, it has been used for more than a millennium. Read more about natural-based skin care products.