What Causes Rosacea?
Previously related to acne and having symptoms of spider veins, what causes Rosacea continues to be researched. This is a condition that had previously been associated with acne and spider veins.
We now know that it is not a form of acne, although a patient may have acne and rosacea simultaneously. It is a disorder characterized by chronic inflammation. It consists of erythema and papules. Sometimes there are also pustules present. In time, it may progress to telangiectasia and nodules. It is a dermatologic condition that affects mostly women although there are men who also are afflicted with it.
According to the Plewig and Kligman system of Classification, rosacea has three different stages.
In the first stage, there is a constant erythema as well as some telangiectasia. In the second stage, the symptoms of the first stage apply but additionally, now there are papules and little pustules. Stage three will be identified with the presence of stages one and two plus nodules. There may also be some facial edema present.
Who Gets Rosacea
It is a disease that affects mostly females between the ages of thirty and fifty.
The worst manifestations are generally between forty and fifty years of age. It seems that rosacea has a preference for three different geographical areas: Ireland, Scotland and Southern Italy. The fair complexioned northern inhabitants are the more prevalent cases. In women, the condition is usually in the center of the face.
In the male population, rosacea likes to concentrate on the nose. This is called rhinophyma and can be quite disfiguring. Sometimes there is acne that precedes an outbreak of rosacea but other times it occurs totally de novo. Other factors that may trigger the disease are sun exposure, heat exposure, alcohol and even spicy foods.
What Can Be Done To Avoid Rosacea
Since the cause for rosacea remains unknown, you can only protect yourself from, or minimize, the symptoms. To forestall an outbreak of rosacea from exposure to the sun, you may want to wear sunscreen all the time. You may also want to stay out of hot rooms as much as possible. Once you have an outbreak, it can last up to months before it subsides.
Avoid hot foods and drinks. By “hot” a reference is made to temperature rather than spiciness. There is no reason to give up your cup of coffee or tea in the morning. Just let it cool a little before you start sipping it. Avoid any kind of stress because emotional aggravators can trigger all kinds of physical responses.
How Is Rosacea Treated
The first order of treatment includes topically applied solutions as well as systemic antibiotics. Metronidazole gel applied to the affected area twice a day should be helpful.
In addition, Tetracycline 1g per day total dosage, divided into three to four doses during the course of the day, will eliminate any bacterial component responsible for rosacea. If control of rosacea and rosacea treatment is established with these two medications, then the Tetracycline dosage can be reduced to a quarter of the initial amount. This should be taken once every day or even once every two days as a maintenance dose.
Some patients cannot tolerate Tetracycline. For these people there are other medications available. Erythromycin is a good choice, as is doxycycline. In extremely obstinate cases, oral isotretinoin may be prescribed but strict guidelines must be observed with this drug. For the phymatous type of rosacea found in men, surgery is sometimes warranted to reduce disfiguration.
Two natural ingredients that have been clinically proven to treat Rosacea are Vitamin K and Phytotonine. Both are used commonly in spider veins creams that have many of the same symptoms and causes as Rosacea. Products such as Capiderm and K Max contain maximum, prescription levels of Vitamin K and/or Phytotonine but are available online or over-the counter.
Our Best Rosacea Treatment
CapiDerm Rx is a proprietary professional strength Vitamin K cream for treating the symptoms and causes of Rosacea that has its primary component, 3 % of pharmaceutical grade Vitamin K and vein strengthening Phytotonine.
Capiderm Rx is effective for treating redness, irritation, inflammation and for reducing the appearance of red spots and broken capillaries. Its carefully researched formulation helps help broken blood vessels that cause visible veins, and it helps strengthen capillary walls that seep blood causing redness.
- Vitamin E promotes and improves circulation
- Vitamin K strengthens vein walls
- Phytotonine improves vein wall and capillary health
- Shea butter infuses hydration and heals dryness
- Hyaluronic Acid improves hydration and fluid retention
- Aloe Vera soothes and moisturizes
- Jojoba deep cleans and lubricates